Rene Herse Musette Bag

Posted by: Jan Heine Category: Racks/Bags

Rene Herse Musette Bag

Sometimes small things make a big difference: The Rene Herse musette bag is one of the most useful things you can bring on a ride.

Folded, it’s smaller than an energy bar, and it weighs just 25 g. Unfolded, it holds up to 5 liters. It’s made from the same Silnylon as the ultralight Ostrich SL-100 Rinko bag, so it’s strong enough for carrying whatever fits inside.

Sling it over your shoulder to carry a few croissants after a bakery stop, some vegetables from a farmers’ market, or whatever else comes to mind. Traditionally used in race feed zones to hand off food and drink, musette bags have many uses, especially when they are as light and strong as this one. I carry mine in my handlebar or underseat bag whenever I head out, and I use it more often than I would have thought. After testing prototypes for several months, we’ve now got the production version in stock.

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