Summer 2015 Bicycle Quarterly

Posted by: Jan Heine Category: Bicycle Quarterly Back Issues

Summer 2015 Bicycle Quarterly

The Summer 2015 Bicycle Quarterly is at the printer and will be mailed next week. This summer’s theme is a “Journey of Discoveries”.
We test the Breadwinner B-Road that won last year’s Oregon Outback. We take it on a journey to the ghost town of Monte Cristo. Join us as we discover the fascinating history of this region.
A “Sub-24 Hour Overnight” adventure took us to Mount Rainier, where we searched for mountain goats. We discover the beauty of a place we don’t visit often enough.
BQ contributor Gerolf Meyer rediscovered his roots when he looked at Communist era racing in East Germany. To obtain race-worthy bicycles, racers had to barter or even make their own components. For example, some racers made bike parts “on the side” and after hours at a medical device factory. His story is a fascinating glimpse behind the Iron Curtain.
We take you to TOEI, the legendary Japanese constructeur, who make some of the most sophisticated and best-constructed frames in the world. We were allowed unprecedented access to document how these craftsmen make some of the most beautiful bikes in the world.
After reading about how these bikes are made, join us on a visit to one of the most amazing bike shops in Tokyo, and marvel at the amazing machines on display there.
Rounding off the feature on TOEI is a report on our editor’s Urban Bike. How does this TOEI-built machine hold up after seven years of hard work – commuting and hauling magazines, books and components. Which features have proven themselves, and what would he do differently if he were to order another bike tomorrow?
For our “First Ride”, we evaluate another bike intended for the urban jungle. How does the Lynskey Urbanskey with its titanium frame and 650B wheels perform on the (urban) roads?
We also tested MKS’ new Rinko pedals, both in a platform and a clipless version. You even can switch from one type to the other, without tools!
As always, there is much more in this issue of Bicycle Quarterly: our Skill and Icon columns, Readers’ Forum, News and more product reviews.
To enjoy the Summer issue without delay, click here to subscribe or renew.

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