Tour Divide: And they’re off!

Posted by: Jan Heine Category: Uncategorized

Tour Divide: And they’re off!

The Tour Divide, the bikepacking race along the spine of the Rocky Mountains, from Canada to the Mexican border, started this morning. More than 190 riders took off on their 2,745-mile (4,418 km) journeys that will take weeks to complete. (The late Mike Hall set the FKT of just under 14.5 days in 2013.) Our friend Mario (Majo) Srnik was on the course and saw the riders go by.

As one of the first riders, Ted King rolled by looking good on his mountain bike. We are wondering about the hump in his jersey, though. Is that for aerodynamics, Moto GP-style?

Lael Wilcox was not far behind, smiling as always.

Her bike shows the experience of many Tours Divide, with a place for everything and everything in its place. Both Ted and Lael are riding 29″ x 2.2″ Fleecer Ridge Endurance tires that we designed in collaboration with Lael specifically for adventures like the Tour Divide.

Follow the racers as they make their way across the rugged Rockies on gravel roads and trails (and some pavement, too)! The tracker is here:

Most of all, good luck to all the intrepid souls who embark on this incredible adventure!

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